Tuesday, September 17, 2024

A day in the life of an invalid

Since early this month I have had to walk around using crutches. The pain in my hip if I try to walk around unaided makes that imperative. But Joe has moved in to the adjoining apartment here to be around to help me. Having a son is definitely recommendable

But crutches make it difficult to get down a flight of stairs. This evening I tried to get down the back stairs with Joe's help. The stairs were easy enough but what came next was the problem. I was faced with a longish walk to the car or being wheeled there. The terrain made the wheelchair incapable, though we did eventually manage it with much stress on me

We had good meals at a Korean restaurant at Stones Corner. Getting in and out of the car was pretty easy there. And on coming home I got up the front stair with comparative ease.

It was my first outing for a couple of weeks so I greatly enjoyed it. I was getting stir crazy. We left about 6pm and got back home about 8pm -- whereupon I promptly fell asleep until about 10pm. The outing was hectic for me so I enjoyed the sleep too