Monday, June 10, 2024

Found it!

I knew I had written something about alexithymia in the past but could not find it. I thought it should be on this blog but a database search did not find it. I mentally blamed that on Google. It is suprising what they do NOT index and I have no idea what the guidelines are. Though I do know that nothing on my Greenie Watch blog or my Tongue Tied blog will be indexed

Anyway I have some old biographical notes from the 90s that have never been online and I found there what I had written. I think it is of some interest so I give it below:

"My mother was a bit of a social isolate and she inculcated her values into her children also. So that did not help my social development. She had a high opinion of herself and thought that everyone else was silly. I doubt that she ever had much fellow-feeling for anybody other than her own children.

I probably get my own rather flat emotional life from her. "Alexithymia" is the word for extreme cases of it, though alexithymics have psychosomatic illnesses and I do not. At any event, the sentimentality I inherited from my father made me much better able to relate to people than my mother could"


  1. Our senses apparently act as instant messengers, delivering what they perceive directly to the mind for inspection and judgment. Once the latest sensory news has been delivered, the mind can assesses the input and determine whether it is pleasing or not and the degree of like or dislike. Emotions are often stirred by both liking and disliking.

    I wonder how your mind operates mechanically to avoid an initial surge of emotions. How does it handle information?

  2. I sometimes feel a slight need to respond carefully to a criticism but it is very rare that anything bothers me. I am just non-neurotypical, I think
