Friday, June 14, 2024

I am heathier than ever

I have just got the results from a big range of blood tests going back a couple of years. I was particularly interested in my vitamin D levels. I have spent most of my life hunched over a keybord so my D levels have always been a bit low. But I recently decided that I should take more care of myself so started taking 1000 IU of D3 with dinner

So I was pleased to find that my D levels are now mid-centre of the ideal range.

But the really pleasing thing is that a lot of things I was high or low on a couple of years back are now normal. I have got healthier over the last couple of years! Not sure why but Z would no doubt put it down to all the salad lunches she has been feeding me


  1. Lettuce be honest, in the food kingdom, meat commands the throne, but salads are the nobles who easily get invited to the banquet. Surely taste is subjective and in that regard salads are not too bad.

    From what I gather, you and Z are fortunate in your bond. It is easy to extend goodwill to a liked person but harder in times of strife. In discord, if we look beyond the physical, emotional, mental and personality components, and instead dispatch goodwill to the part that freely decides and grows/learns, we can continue to have goodwill even when things are rough. I think it is better than other alternatives I have heard of. Well, the road to heck is paved with benevolent banana peels, so I better end on different note. Congratulations on your health.

  2. I had a few blood tests a while ago. My vitamin D levels were nil, even though I spend a fair amount of time outdoors. I was advised to take vitamin D supplements. But I can't be bothered with all that.
