Tuesday, February 21, 2023

Zoe goes to Asia

Zoe flew out of Brisbane last Sunday (19th) via Malaysian Airlines on her way to Kuala Lumpur. When she heard that her friend S (surname confidential) was headed that way she asked to join him when he got to KL.

She went with some romantic hopes but what mainly moved her was the love of travel that is normal among women in their '70s plus the fact that she had never been to Asia and badly wanted to make up that deficit.

I have not so far got any texts or emails from her but I have already got a couple of Facebook messages. So that is good

Tuesday, February 14, 2023


My V-day was busy and a bit unusual. During the day I consulted with a surgeon about some skin cancers and made an appointment to get them excised.

I then saw an audiologist to collect a replacement hearing-aid for the one I had lost. And the new one is better

Then I let my vacant room downstairs to a new tenant for a slightly increased rent.

But what about St Valentine? Jenny cooked me a favourite dinner to mark the day and Zoe emailed me to say that I am her "First and ONLY LOVE". So that is pretty good.

I did not see Anne but I had seen her the Saturday preceding, with much discussed.