But I note that Britain's Daily Mail has put up very derogatory coverage of the Melbourne Cup, Australia's most beloved horse race. As happens at almost any race meeting anywhere, there were some people who stayed on after the horses had finished running and partied on -- leading to some unattractive drunken behavior. The "Mail" photographed some of that behaviour and used the photos to condemn the Melbourne Cup generally and the patrons in particular. They used photos such as the ones below

But the photos above were not taken in Melbourne. They were taken at Aintree, location of Britiain's premier jump race, The Grand National. I got the pictures not by wandering the grounds with a camera and looking for the worst I could find but rather by spending 5 minutes looking at the pix returned by Google in response to the search term "Aintree".
There were many other pictures I could put up -- of tarts in short skirts, ladies showing a lot of breast and, above all, more painted FAT ladies than you would ever want to see. But I will be kinder than the "Mail".
So why are Brits in glass houses throwing stones? It's simple, really. For 200 years Brits have been migrating to Australia for a better life. And they still do. A recent survey suggests that half of them would move to Australia if they could. So that puts "The Old Dart" in a poor light, does it not? All those Brits voting with their feet don't make Britain look very attractive.
So to retain their self-respect and explain to themselves why they are still in grey and poverty-stricken Britain instead of sunny and comfortable Australia, it helps a little to find a few faults with Australia. Freud would understand.
I wonder how this fits in with British criticisms of Australian racecourse behaviour?
CCTV images have been released by police investigating a mass brawl between Swansea and Cardiff City fans which brought terror to an afternoon at the races.
Between 50 and 60 people clashed in front of families at Newbury Racecourse in Berkshire at around 4pm on July 14.
It is thought the violence erupted on the ground floor of the grandstand and then spread to the racecourse, marring what should have been an enjoyable afternoon at the Newbury Summer Festival.
Superintendent Robin Rickard said: 'This was a nasty incident involving up to 60 people fighting in the middle of the afternoon and impacted on lots of innocent people and families who had planned to spend an enjoyable day at the races.
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