Saturday, September 17, 2016

The end of a breakup

On 30 August, 2016, Anne and I had a breakup which I noted on this blog at that time.  Looking back from December 2022 -- after a pleasant afternoon with Anne -- I note that I made no blog mention of our reunion.  I blogged about a beginning of something but not about the end of it.  I thought I might therefore at the appropriate place remedy that omission with a small note.

Recollection is much faded so I can add little detail but from best recollection we were "apart" for only about 3 weeks and I think it was on a Sunday that  we rekindled.  I noted our split on August 30 so that would bring us to September 17th.  

And I note that we had a very congenial dinner the day before that on 16th.  And I note that we had a very pleasant dinner together on 2nd also.  So it was always a very partial split.  We remained in frequent and congenial contact throughout  -- much as we do in 2022 after another "split".

What it amounts to is that there is real magic between Anne and me and neither of us wants to let that go, even when we spend intimate times with other partners.  So it is in a strange way a great romance.  We just cannot bear to be apart for long, regardless of the circumstances.

So I think it was on 17th that I got a distressed phone call from Anne asking to come over to my place.  I of course told  her to come over straight away. Apparently she had just had a big blowup with lover boy.  And what was it about?  It was about her refusal to stop seeing me!  Her Balkan bloke found that impossible to accept and even threatened to commit suicide if Anne persisted in seeing me. 

 She had in any case become disillusioned with him on the grounds that all he wanted to do in his free time was to sit and watch TV.  That was a great contrast to the lively conversations that Anne and I always have

So on 17th we agreed to resume our old connection and lover boy would have to go.  He did skedaddle rather than suicide.

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