In late August, Anne told me she had found another bloke. In response I said that I had obviously not been meeting her needs so I was to blame for her defection and I would try to treat her better in future. It was a typical Dale Carnegie thing to say but I am proud of saying what I mean and meaning what I say so that was in fact my conclusion. So there was no acrimony and we remained on amicable terms and continued to see something of one another.
Forming new relationships between people in their 70s is a most unlikely exercise so I was 99% certain that Mr. New would soon blot his copybook and be given his marching orders. That happened at the end of October. And Anne then came straight over to me and we have been living happily ever after! LOL!
And that was in some evidence this week. Anne and I dined on bacon chops (Yummy!) on Wednesday night on my verandah and on Thursday night we went to a small sausage BBQ arranged by Jenny so that I could greet Paul after his arrival from Scotland the previous night. It was great to see him again and we talked away as we usually do -- about politics and much else. Anne and Jenny talked a lot to one another too. Both Paul and Jenny are big talkers but that suits me as I am not. So something I was glad to see was that Nanna got a word in fairly often. She is much more confident now she is in her 90s.
In the past Anne and I usually dined together twice a week as we both had other interests to keep us busy. So by dining together on two nights consecutively this week we were definitely back on our old footing. And this Saturday she will accompany me to a small dinner I am hosting for an old Army friend. So we have gone from strength to strength.
And this morning, Paul and little 3-year-old Elise joined me for brunch. What fun that was! I had heard what a little lady Elise was and how she was a Daddy's Girl but she exceeded my expectations by far.
For a start, as soon as she got out of the car she would go no further until she had her sunglasses on and her gold handbag slung over her shoulder. And then she walked in a very sedate way to where we were going: No leaping or skipping about -- just a dignified walk. What a gal at age 3!
In the restaurant, she wanted various things from time to time, looked to Paul for them out of the dark pools of her eyes -- and Paul immediately jumped to give her what she wanted. And on some such occasions, she would give a little smile of satisfaction when she got what she wanted. She was a complete little princess.

The dark-eyed lady
Paul tells me that Susan gets a bit tired of her ladylike ways at times but it is quite apparent that Elise now is what she always will be. And she will always have a father who understands and enjoys what she is. I would be the same with her. I got on very well with another little lady once.
Some would of course call her a spoilt child but both Paul and I understand Daddy's Girls so we know that a bit of spoiling is part of that relationship. Elise wasn't vocally demanding: Nothing like any tantrums. Just a quietly expressed wish got her what she wanted -- as befits a lady. She is gorgeous and will go far. The other little lady in the family -- Von -- has certainly done very well. Among other things, Von always wanted a man who would do all the cooking -- and Simon does. Being a Lady is a powerful thing, much as feminists would rage at that.
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