Sunday night was another night of secret men's business. Graham was up from Victoria, Christopher came and Joe joined us. I cooked my usual savoury mince for 6pm dining. Not flash food but satisfactory. The dessert was also humble: Tinned fruit with ice cream. But the fruit was mango slices so that was good.
The others were all amazed at my method of serving ice-cream -- with a carving knife. You would have to see it to believe it.
The occasion was one for conversation but that was rather assisted when straight after dinner Christopher unveiled his collection of WW2 German daggers. A dagger was part of dress uniform at that time and each branch of the armed forces had its own uniform and dagger. There was even an SS dagger with Meine Ehre heisst Treue engraved on it. Roughly translated that means "My honour is to be called faithful and true".

So Graham told us a lot about how to use daggers and we talked a lot about WW2 generally. Christopher is also a gun collector and is very knowledgeable about them so we talked about the Sturmgewehr and many of the modern military rifles. I was surprised to hear that the Tommy gun was used by American forces in WW2 -- though with a stick magazine instead of the famous circular one.
As part of our political discussions, I asked Chris whether Eric Butler's League of Rights still existed. They were pretty far Right and Christopher used to have some interest in them but he no longer does so, apparently. I see however that they still exist online. They had some funny money beliefs (Douglas Credit) in the old days but I am not sure if they still do.
Graham wishes to publish a manual on the art of fencing and Joe advised him on how to do that as an E-book.
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