Sunday, May 23, 2021

The fentanyl kid

I am now a fentanyl kid.  I had a dose of it a few days go. It was originally a powerful surgical anaesthetic but is better known these days as a very risky drug of addiction.  The sainted George Floyd likely died of it.  I have never used ANY drug of addiction so my dose was legitimate

It first came to widespread notice when Kristin Rossum used it to kill her husband Greg de Villiers in the year 2000.

In my case It was used in conjunction with Midazolam to knock me out while I was having a core biopsy on the cancers in my stomach.  The biopsy was to find out if my cancer type was amenable to any further treatment. The chances were dim but you never know. I am in constant but low level pain so I just want a way out.

1 comment:

  1. My dear brother , I think you will find that Alcohol is generally considered to be a drug of addiction. but lets hope the treatment works !
