Our trips to Nando's usually have only 3 people, Jenny, myself and Joe. Kate comes along sometimes.
But last night we had some welcome extras: Paul, Jess and Anne. Paul likes our Nando meetings so tries to get along when he is in town. He came along this time despite flying out tomorrow.
Jess is Kate's sister but I had not previously seen much of her. So tonight was something of a first. So I was pleased to find that she is cheerful and good-humored: Great assets. She is also quite slim, which is another asset. She teaches High School English.
Anne does not usually come to Nandos as it is our custom to dine together the day after. She didn't come to dine today either but just dropped in to grab the last chance of seeing Paul before he departed. He greeted her warmly so that worked well
Earlier in the evening Anne had dined with one of her sons but she left early enough to drop in on our Nando's meeting. Anne had a bad cold for the first half of December so had to postpone a lot of her socializing at that time and then Christmas got into gear so she was pretty frazzled by her many social activities by Sunday yesterday so was too zonked out do anything much. So she missed the bon voyage dinner that Jenny put on for Paul and Susan yesterday. So she had not seen Paul at all this time around.
Paul did most of the talking as he usually does. We discussed the bushfires, Shakespeare, Brexit, John Ruskin and much else. Paul also did a remarkable job of eating up all the leftover chips so nothing was wasted. He is regularly our human vacuum cleaner..
A photo of the gathering taken by Paul below. Note Joe's customary way of sitting. I used to sit like that too. Too old and stiff now. Joe has also got himself a rather military haircut recently, though he has no military inclinations.

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