Monday, October 18, 2021

An unusual night

Over the years, Jenny and I have always liked a glass or two of wine with our dinner.  Recently, however, we have not been able to do that.  Jenny has to drive home after dinner and in her usual cautious way refuses to drive with alcohol in her system. I would be quite happy to drive her but she refuses to travel with me driving.  Those who know my driving will understand.

So last night Jenny slept over in my guest room so we could revert to custom.  Jenny celebrated the occasion by making one of my favourite dishes -- Wiener Schnitzel.  Schnitzel is a seemingly simple dish but cooking a good one is in fact quite complex.  The major "secret" is that you must fry it in ghee.  Ghee gives it that wonderful buttery taste.

For booze we opened a bottle of good old Seaview "champagne"

Jenny upheld her Australian honour by drinking half the bottle but I felt like only one glass so the dinner was no riot.

But there was an unexpected sequel:  At about midnight I chucked the whole of my dinner up.  I think I know what caused it so will not buy that product again.  Jenny  fortunately remained well.  I felt fine the morning after so the problem was clearly nothing serious.

Overnight stays imply breakfast the next morning so for brek we went to a place at Stones Corner that Jenny knew: "Clove & Honey".  It was "innovative" so I was a bit wary and just ordered a cheeseburger. Even the burger turned out to be innovative, however, -- containing calamari!  I am quite keen on calamari so that was no problem.  Jenny talked them into doing a gluten-free eggs-Benedict, something she really likes.  We went to the nearby op-shops afterward, where I did make a small purchase

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